mercredi 29 juin 2011

Holidays (part 2): Pechalifour

Then we went to my mum in Pechalifour. We spent more time reading, picking mushrooms, playing angry birds, and eating too much. It was perfect. And to top it of, we discovered that Nandu made his first tooth! I have no idea when it actually came out because it is the top right canine... my son is a vampire.

Chantrelles gathered in an hour :)

Tonton Robin

mardi 28 juin 2011

Holidays (part 1): Cadaques

So we are just back from a two weeks of vacations. The first one in Spain, the second in France.

Cadaques at 7.30 am, on our way to get bread:

We went to Spain by night train, and this went quite smoothly. Nandu cried a bit at first but then we had a fairly peaceful night. After that we arrived in the house, and spend most days trying to make him laugh in every possible ways, which includes eating his feet.

Did a few nice shots in the living room to keep up with the family picture series:

And went on walks along the sea.

To finally finish days at a terrasse eating tapas.

jeudi 9 juin 2011

99 days

Today Nandu is 99 days, and after a day with a friend and her kids, I got home and managed to snap a few good pictures.

Here is a proof that at 99 days Nandu is nearly sitting. Ok he is leaning on Vishal but still!

And I think my son actually is spider man. It always start quite innocently:

But with a little bit of work

And an agile finger,

You can get pretty serious web material!

mardi 7 juin 2011

Spécial dédicace pour Raphaël

Parce que cet après-midi Nandu ne voulait pas s'endormir...

Nandu écoutait bien cette chanson pendant que j'ai filmé la vidéo. J'ai juste rajouté le son au montage pour qu'on l'entende mieux.

Et je tiens à préciser que la musique vient bien évidemment des petits chanteurs à la gueule de bois: là, ils sont géniaux. Même que Nandu est déjà allé à un de leur concert.

dimanche 5 juin 2011


This week's new game for Nandu is to fly:

And this is not completly in focus but I figure it was nice headshot so here it goes.

Otherwise Nandu did his first successful car trip between Neuchatel and Geneva (with me driving!) He was super quiet on the highway and cried the whole time we were driving in Geneva.. I guess that means that long car trip will be ok, at least I hope so since we have at least 2 coming up this summer!

jeudi 2 juin 2011


The best thing about making a cake for your three months old son's birthday, is that you get to eat it all (even if I am sure it will be fun to watch him eat chocolate cake soon enough).

And it still makes an opportunity for nice pictures. First we have th butterfly mode, and second we have the spider mode, trying to build a web with its spit.

3 months :)

The good thing about a three month birthday that happen on a holiday, is that Vishal and I can take turn napping with Nandu. Note for safety caring people, we usually don't put our comforter over him but it made the picture cuter and we had just opened the window for a bit!

mercredi 1 juin 2011

More laughing today

Today was a very grey and gloomy day outside, but inside it was quite fun!

It was impossible to catch what we did next on video, but it was so much fun! If both Vishal and I try to make him laugh at the same time, each with our own tricks. Nandu freezes and open his eyes very big, like if just overloaded his circuits... so much fun...

And because it was actually quite cold we got to try the hat Aude gave us: