samedi 20 mars 2010

Sleep experiment

Since I needed to take shifts in Japan, I decided to do an experiment on myself.
I picked 7 days of consecutive night shifts with no free day before or after. So basically, even if I am in Japan, I am on European time. Now, if we always lived inside, and the sun didn't matter, this should work just fine. But with my current schedule of going to bed at 8am and waking up around 4pm, I basically see the sun for about an hour in the morning and 2 hours in the evening. Which is not so different from being a grad student in a windowless office, like I was for the past 6 years. The only remaining variable is that I cannot make my room completely dark, the curtains are not good enough for that. I decided to try to go running everyday when I wake up at 4pm, just to make sure I go outside when there is sunlight. I am curious to see how I'll feel in a week and if I'll be jet-lagged when going back to Europe.

Right now, one and a half day in the experiment, I feel ok, but I do have the impression it is the middle of the night. Somehow my body knows it.. let's see if it will change.

mercredi 3 mars 2010

Je m'insurge!

Le Croque-menus, le livre de recette de mon enfance, celui que l'on nous donnait a l'ecole, celui que j'utilise encore souvent quinze apres, le croque-menus va etre re-editer sans les recettes contenant de l'alcool. Plus de fondue au vin blanc, plus de jambon au Madere!!!!!! Mais c'est quoi cette histoire. Heureusement j'ai encore ma vieille version, mais je plains deja les futurs ecoliers. Je ne recommande evidemment pas les cuites a 15 ans, mais il ne faut pas pousser le politiquement correcte trop loin non plus. Une goutte de vin dans la fondue n'a jamais fait de mal a personne.