lundi 30 janvier 2012

Around Tokai

So after the pictures from the trip from Geneva to Tokai, here are a few pictures taken around Tokai, where our life was about Vishal going to bring Nandu to daycare/taking care of him (awesome job!) and me taking night shifts and attending the collaboration meeting.

On his way to pick up Nandu from daycare

In our messy room.

At the beach just behing J-Parc... very cold and windy

But Nandu is well protected... and sleeping
Beautiful shrine close to J-Parc
With very modern water dispenser at the entrance ;)

At daycare

During the meeting

dimanche 22 janvier 2012

Trip to Japan (part 1)

We arrived in Japan after nearly 24 hours and Nandu didn't cry once... I am truly impressed by my son today.

It started well in the kid's car in the train to Zurich:

And it continued even better in the awesome family lounge of Zurich's terminal E:

And for the rest I have no pictures, but Nandu had the good sense to sleep when we were given food in the plane so I could eat both my meals. He was smiling at everyone while awake and then slept a good 3-4 hours. Finally the bus trip to Tokai was also very smooth, and we arrived at Masago (the hotel) tired but not even too stressed out!

So far so good... in a few days he'll try the Japanese daycare.

lundi 16 janvier 2012

Future house :)

A few views from out future house while we were repainting what will be Nandu's room. Thanks a lot for Manu and Anouk for the help!

jeudi 5 janvier 2012

First spaghetti

First you just play with spaghettis (tied by grandpa)

Then they end up in weird places... 

and you give us this weird smile just for fun.

Christmas Holidays in Pechalifour

We went to my Mum's house in Pechalifour for Christmas. As you'll see the vacations were mainly about eating truffles and sleeping with piles of clothes on top of us and a big fire in the chemine... And of course "running" after Nandu who learnt to crawl over there.

On commence par les choses serieuses

Et le plaisir que meme Nandu a eu de la sentir

et de la manger!

Puis on passe a la serie calins

Pour ensuite entrer dans la serie: je fais la sieste sur Papa. Or in English, let's nap on Papa.

mardi 3 janvier 2012

Catching up

Nandu is 10 months, and I still have to upload pictures from my grandma's 90's birthday which was in November...
So here it goes, and I'll upload Christmas pictures later. But just as a sneak preview, he is now able to crawl as fast as a neutrino, he claps happily and is able to point at the food he prefers to eat. And all that happened during the Christmas break, it's actually quite amazing! Oh and he got so good and blowing yoghurt around that we now have to teach him not to do it.