mardi 5 juillet 2011

Rolled from belly to back :)

So Nandu rolled from his belly to his back for the first time today. I was busy trying to take a picture of how well he does mini push-up:

When he just rolled over! I put him back on his belly and he did it again 2-3 times, then I waited for Vishal to get home and he did it two more time. I think a new era is opening :) And my guess is that he is not far from rolling from back to belly as well. He came a few inches from actually doing it today.

Otherwise I am also convinced that he has a favorite song. I sing a whole bunch of french songs to him, adults and kids songs and when I start "Le sorbier de l'Oural" he always calmed down and smiles. It's pretty neat. I tried to sing other songs when he is upset but nothing works like that one.

And, he started sucking on his thumb. Which I actually hope he'll do because he always has a huge need for suckling and my pinky could take some vacations!

Anyway... interesting week so far.

1 commentaire:

nyfa a dit…

Bravo Nandu! Effectivement c'est le début de l'indépendance... bon il y a encore un peu de chemin à faire mais faut bien commencer par qqe chose.
Il y a aussi "les petites marionnettes" qui le font sourire..